Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Content Of Fat And Protein In The Diet To Maintain Physical Health

Hay readers, delighted this morning I was still in the given health so that they can come back again in the physical health of this simple blog. How the physical health of the readers? Hopefully, the reader is always healthy condition. Let the reader, on this occasion I will share with you a little article about the content of fat and protein in the diet to maintain physical health. Let your readers just refer to the following article.
As we know, in a diet there are a variety of substances both micro and macro. Both types of these substances is very important in the process of maintaining our physical health. One of the types of substances macro itself is fat and protein, and how much our bodies need fat and protein it?

A. Fat
The Content Of Fat And Protein In The Diet To Maintain Physical Health

Fat is a substance formed from the 95% fatty acids and glycerol. Fat is a source of energy other than carbohydratesthe presence of excess consumption of fat stored as energy reserves, so if someone is in a state of lack of calories, fat is first reserve to be used to obtain energy in addition to protein.
1. Sources of fat
Raw foods contain a fat source there are 2 types of vegetable fats and animal fats.
• vegetable fats (saturated acids and unsaturated acids). Vegetable fats generally contain unsaturated fatty acids, except coconut oil. Examples of foods that contain vegetable oils namely palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, margarine and nuts.
• Animal fats (saturated fatty acids). Animal fats containing saturated fatty acids except fish and shellfish. Examples of foods that contain animal fats are: butter, milk, cheese, meat, fish, and egg yolk
2. The function of fat for the body
The fat contained in a food must have several functions, among others:
• As a source of energy
• As a solvent vitamins A, D, E, and K.
• As a protective organ in the body.
• The cause of the length of gastric emptying so that members feel full longer.

B. Protein
The Content Of Fat And Protein In The Diet To Maintain Physical Health

Protein is a substance that is needed by our bodies. The main function of the protein is as a builder substance which is indispensable in its infancy. By the time infants to adolescents, the need for greater protein percentage compared to adults and the elderly. In adulthood and seniors need to maintain the protein in tissues of the body and replace cells that have been damaged. The main function of the protein which is to form a new network and maintain the existing network.
1. Source of protein
Some foods that contain protein sources:
• Animal protein (from animals): meat, eggs, milk, and fish.
• Vegetable Protein (from plants): beans, especially soybeans
2. The function of protein for the body
Protein is contained in foods must have several functions, namely:
• As a synthesis of important substances in the body, such as hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.
As the process of growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues.
• Implementation metabolism of the body.
• Balancing the acid and alkaline fluids in the body because it serves as a buffer.
• Sustainer fluid pressure within the body cavity bulkhead.
• Provision of energy sources, of which 1 gram contains 4.1 calories.
• neutralization (detoxification) toxins in the body.

Let the reader, perhaps this is all I can share on this occasion. Hopefully this article useful to readers. Criticism and suggestions are always I look forward to the future improvement of the blog.