Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Body's Need For Water And Minerals To Maintain Physical Health

Hay readers, delighted this morning I was given a health so that they can meet again in physical health blog. How the physical health of the reader? Hopefully always healthy and body in shape. Let the reader, on this occasion I will share a little article about the body's need for water and minerals to maintain physical health. But before that, it would be better if you read my previous article first. Well readers, you just see the following article.

As we know, water and minerals are part of the micro substances in the body. So how important is our body's need for water and minerals.

A. Water
The Body's Need For Water And Minerals To Maintain Physical Health

Water is one of the most important substances that must be met by our body. Because water has several major functions for the body is as follows:
1. Water serves as a solvent other compounds in the body such as vitamins and others.
2. Water serves as a carrier of other substances from one cell to another cell or from one network to another network.
3. Water serves to maintain the stability of our body temperature.
Setting process water in the body controlled by various glands clogged, such as the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and tools such expenditure skin through sweat glands.

B. Mineral
The Body's Need For Water And Minerals To Maintain Physical Health

Minerals are essential nutrients that function for health maintenance and disease prevention. Minerals and vitamins act of interaction. You need vitamins to minerals can work and vice versa. Without some minerals or vitamins, some vitamins or minerals are not functioning properly. The biggest difference between vitamins and minerals is that minerals are inorganic compounds, while vitamin is an organic compound.
Minerals can be classified according to the amount that our body needs.
1. The major minerals are minerals that we need more than 100 mg a day. Examples of major minerals are calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chloride.
2. minor minerals are minerals that we need less than 100 mg a day. Examples of minor minerals are chromium, magnesium, iodine, iron, fluorine, manganese, selenium, and zinc.

The different types of minerals are solely based on the amount needed by the body, not of importance for the body. Some minerals needed by the body are as follows:
1. Iodine serves for the development of intelligence. Contained in food is seafood and iodized salt. Iodine deficiency can cause goitre.
2. Phosphorus serves for the formation of bones and teeth and adjust the balance of acids and bases in the body. Phosphorus is abundant in meat, fish and eggs.
3. Calcium serves for the formation of bones and teeth. Many are in milk, eggs, and fruits.
4. Iron serves for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, many found in milk, liver, egg yolk, and green vegetables.
5. Fluorine serves to strengthen the teeth. Many contained in egg yolk, brain, and milk.
6. Potassium serves to affect the work of the heart muscle. Abundant in nuts, liver, fish, and shellfish.
7. Sodium is used to regulate the smooth muscle work especially heart muscle and regulate the balance of fluids in the body. There are a lot of fish, bananas, potatoes, and vegetables.

Let the reader, perhaps this is all I can share on this occasion. Hopefully this article useful to readers. Criticism and suggestions are always I look forward to the future development of the blog.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Content Of Fat And Protein In The Diet To Maintain Physical Health

Hay readers, delighted this morning I was still in the given health so that they can come back again in the physical health of this simple blog. How the physical health of the readers? Hopefully, the reader is always healthy condition. Let the reader, on this occasion I will share with you a little article about the content of fat and protein in the diet to maintain physical health. Let your readers just refer to the following article.
As we know, in a diet there are a variety of substances both micro and macro. Both types of these substances is very important in the process of maintaining our physical health. One of the types of substances macro itself is fat and protein, and how much our bodies need fat and protein it?

A. Fat
The Content Of Fat And Protein In The Diet To Maintain Physical Health

Fat is a substance formed from the 95% fatty acids and glycerol. Fat is a source of energy other than carbohydratesthe presence of excess consumption of fat stored as energy reserves, so if someone is in a state of lack of calories, fat is first reserve to be used to obtain energy in addition to protein.
1. Sources of fat
Raw foods contain a fat source there are 2 types of vegetable fats and animal fats.
• vegetable fats (saturated acids and unsaturated acids). Vegetable fats generally contain unsaturated fatty acids, except coconut oil. Examples of foods that contain vegetable oils namely palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, margarine and nuts.
• Animal fats (saturated fatty acids). Animal fats containing saturated fatty acids except fish and shellfish. Examples of foods that contain animal fats are: butter, milk, cheese, meat, fish, and egg yolk
2. The function of fat for the body
The fat contained in a food must have several functions, among others:
• As a source of energy
• As a solvent vitamins A, D, E, and K.
• As a protective organ in the body.
• The cause of the length of gastric emptying so that members feel full longer.

B. Protein
The Content Of Fat And Protein In The Diet To Maintain Physical Health

Protein is a substance that is needed by our bodies. The main function of the protein is as a builder substance which is indispensable in its infancy. By the time infants to adolescents, the need for greater protein percentage compared to adults and the elderly. In adulthood and seniors need to maintain the protein in tissues of the body and replace cells that have been damaged. The main function of the protein which is to form a new network and maintain the existing network.
1. Source of protein
Some foods that contain protein sources:
• Animal protein (from animals): meat, eggs, milk, and fish.
• Vegetable Protein (from plants): beans, especially soybeans
2. The function of protein for the body
Protein is contained in foods must have several functions, namely:
• As a synthesis of important substances in the body, such as hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.
As the process of growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues.
• Implementation metabolism of the body.
• Balancing the acid and alkaline fluids in the body because it serves as a buffer.
• Sustainer fluid pressure within the body cavity bulkhead.
• Provision of energy sources, of which 1 gram contains 4.1 calories.
• neutralization (detoxification) toxins in the body.

Let the reader, perhaps this is all I can share on this occasion. Hopefully this article useful to readers. Criticism and suggestions are always I look forward to the future improvement of the blog.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

The Content Of Carbohydrates In The Diet To Maintain Good Physical Health

Hay readers, happy once during the day I can come back again to share articles to readers physical health blog. How the physical health of the reader? Hopefully always healthy. Let the reader, on this occasion I will share a little article about the content of carbohydrates in the diet to maintain good physical health. Well readers, you just see the following article.

The Content Of Carbohydrates In The Diet To Maintain Good Physical Health

Carbohydrates are the main source of calories for humans. Although the number of calories contained in 1 gram of carbohydrates only reached 4 cal, but when compared with other macro nutrients like fats and proteins, carbohydrates are the nutrients most macro easy for us to find in a food. In addition, some classes of carbohydrates contain fiber that serves to facilitate the digestive process in our body. Carbohydrates are also a source of energy for all mankind. Carbohydrates are easily available and almost all foods contain carbohydrates.
Meanwhile, based on the chemical composition of carbohydrates, the carbohydrate is divided into three parts:
1. Monosaccharides
2. Disaccharides
3. Polysaccharides, and
4. Fiber

.    A.  The function of carbohydrates for the human body.
Carbohydrates contained in food has several functions:
1. carbohydrate as an energy source of the body.
2. Carbohydrates as an energy reserve for the body.
3. Carbohydrates can be members of satiety to the stomach.
B. The need carbohydrates for the body
High or low activity of a person, it will be different needs carbohydrates. For working adults are not too heavy, the body needs an average of between 8-10 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight each day. Calories your body needs daily depending on the age, sex, and type of work.
1. Men
Workers lightweight (2,400 calories), workers were (3000 calories), and for heavy workers (4500 calories).
2. Women
For women with light work (2000 calories), for a worker being (2400 calories), and for women with heavy work (3000 calories).
C. Foods that contain carbohydrates
Carbohydrate present in many plant foods, such as foods such as simple sugars, hexose, pentose, or carbohydrates with a molecular weight compound such as starch, pectin, cellulose, and lignin. In general, fruits contain lots of monosakrasa such as glucose and fructose. Disaccharides such as sugarcane (sucrose and sucrose) are found mainly in sugar cane; in milk are lactose or milk sugar.  Several classes of oligoskarida like many found in starch dextrin, breads, syrup, and beer. While various polysaccharides such as starch found in many fruits.
The main source of carbohydrates in foods are cereals and tubers. Such as the presence of starch content varying in some classes of cereals

Let the reader, perhaps this is all I can share on this occasion. Hopefully this article useful to readers criticism and suggestions are always I look forward in the comments field for this blog repair.

Monday, 8 June 2015

The Definition Of Healthy Foods To Maintain Physical Health

Hay readers, delighted on this occasion I was given so as to re-encounter health and share articles to readers. How the physical health of the reader? Of course, are always healthy because physical health is very strong readers. Let the reader, on this occasion I will share an article on the definition of healthy foods to maintain physical health. Let the reader physical health blog, you just see the following article.

The Definition Of Healthy Foods To Maintain Physical Health

We certainly are familiar with eating, so eat is a basic requirement of a human being without food for humans would not be able to sustain life on this earth. The food there is in the world is certainly very numerous and varied. But what kind of food we need to maintain our physical health in order to stay in shape? Of course the food is healthy and nutritious. Then a case of what foods are healthy and nutritious it?
The food is healthy and nutritious daily diet containing vegetable materials and natural fiber such as vegetables, fruits and some other foods that contain them. Maybe some of the readers assume that all of the food is the same and every food we eat is definitely a healthy diet. If the reader think as it means you are very wrong, because the food is healthy and nutritious way of processing food hygienic, clean, and contains some of the content of vegetable and natural fibers are certainly much needed by our bodies. Food substances are materials required by our body so that we can survive, there are two types of nutrients, namely macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water) and micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals). In addition to these types of substances, healthy and nutritious food must have several functions, namely:
1. Food should serve as a process of growth and development of the body,
2. Food should work for the maintenance and repair of body cells that have been damaged or old
3. Food should also serve to control the metabolic processes in the body.
4. Food should serve to guard the fluid balance in our bodies.
5. Food should serve to maintain our body's defense against various diseases.
6. And the last meal should serve as a producer of energy in the body.
In addition to the above functions, healthy and nutritious food must also meet several requirements including:
1. Food should be hygienic, which means that food must not contain germs and toxins that may be harmful to our bodies.
2. Food should be nutritious, meaning that food contain enough calories, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that contains 10 essential amino acids.
3. Food should be easily digestible by the digestive system
4. The food must contain sufficient vitamins and minerals.
5. And finally, the food must contain enough water.

Let the reader, perhaps this is all I can share on this occasion. Hopefully this article can be useful to readers criticism and suggestions are always I look forward in the comments field.